Here you can read about the benefits and cost reductions our customers gain by using Rezycl

Here you can read about the benefits and cost reductions our customers gain by using Rezycl

  • NREP saves money with Rezycl

    To address the increasing demands for waste management, property investor company NREP uses Rezycl. Because, at it is today, waste is no longer just waste. This is what Kristian Stelzig, operations manager at NREP, which operates, among other things, 20 shopping centers in Denmark, tells. "We are experiencing an big [...]

  • New waste management system saves municipality 250,000 DKK annually

    By switching to Rezycl three Danish municipalities save time and money in the process of emptying containers at recycling stations. The increasing demands from authorities for compliance and data collection mean that new solutions are emerging. At the same time, there are significant savings to be made if approached correctly. [...]

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